WTFast - We Are Live

We, here at WTFast, have just launched our plug-and-play service that boosts networking for gamers. It’s a simple client that customers can download and install to make their games run faster and smoother, making the entire experience a lot more exciting and fun.

WTFast is a brand new service that caters to improving the network, making it feel faster. Our game launcher is a proxy client that aims to connect our customers to the game server through the most optimized network route, allowing for a reduction in ping and latency. Our service also includes expert networking into the system to enable real-time expert optimizations, ending in a smoother gaming experience.

With there being a need in the community for a network solution dedicated to video games, we promise to fill in that void with premium services and products that help our customers get the most out of their games. Join us and experience the world of lag-free gaming.

More details about WTFast game client can be seen on our client homepage, WTFast.


Venture Beat reviews WTFast’s Game Client